Unless otherwise noted, ASSIGNMENT items are due via Moodle by 5:00PM on the listed date. Read the READ items before class and post reading reactions on Slack by 11:59PM on the day the reading is listed.

M Mar 25

  • No reading reactions required for today's readings. But read them anyway!
  • [TASK] Slack setup
  • [READ] Course information.
  • [READ] Preface from Kleinberg & Tardos, up through the middle of page xvi (i.e., the end of "Problems and Solved Exercises").
  • Class notes

T Mar 26

W Mar 27

  • [READ] Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.4 from K&T. Reading reaction hashtag: #reading1. This is fairly long, but should be mostly review.
  • Class notes

F Mar 29

M Apr 1

T Apr 2

W Apr 3

  • [READ] The rest of section 1.1 of K&T, plus section 2.3 (#reading4)
  • Class notes
  • Slides

F Apr 5

M Apr 8

T Apr 9

W Apr 10

F Apr 12

M Apr 15

  • In-class exam

W Apr 17

F Apr 19

M Apr 22

T Apr 23

W Apr 24

F Apr 26

M Apr 29

  • Midterm break. Sweet dreams!

T Apr 30

W May 1

  • [READ] Chapter 5 preamble and Section 5.1 of K&T. Also, Theorem 6.21 of David Liben-Nowell's Connecting Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science (#reading11)
  • Class notes
  • Slides

M May 6

  • In-class exam

T May 7

  • No checkpoint for this week

W May 8

F May 10

M May 13

T May 14

W May 15

F May 17

T May 21

W May 22

  • [READ] Chapter 7 preamble and Sections 7.1-2 of K&T (#reading16)
  • Class notes
  • Slides

F May 24

M May 27

  • In-class exam

W May 29