Using LaTeX in CS252

Jeff's LaTeX samples

If you would like me to illustrate how to do other kinds of things with LaTeX, let me know.

General Resources

LaTeX editors

I work on macOS, so I used Homebrew to install LaTeX ("brew install mactex"). One of the things that installation provides is a nice GUI TeX application called TeXShop, which is what I use a lot of the time. But there are many options for TeX editors on macOS, Windows, and Linux, so feel free to use one that you like.

You can also choose to use an cloud-based editor. This may be the easiest way to get started. In this category, OverLeaf (formally known as WriteLaTeX) is great. This allows you start editing right away using just your browser. Like other cloud-based editors (e.g., Google Documents), Overleaf allows you to collaborate with other people on documents.

Miscellaneous handy tools

If you encounter other useful LaTeX resources, please let me know and I'll add them here.