CS 107: Explorations in Computer Science, Fall 2003
Schedule: Readings and Assignments

Day of Term Day of Week Date Textbook readings due before class
Assignments due at beginning of class on this day
1 Monday 9/15 Chapter 1, The Big Picture: Read at your own pace. We will discuss this chapter peripherally as concepts come up.
2 Wednesday 9/17 Chapter 2, Natural Numbers
Assignment A
3 Friday 9/19 Chapter 3, Data Representation
4 Monday 9/22 Chapter 3, Data Representation Assignment B
5 Wednesday 9/24 Chapter 3, Data Representation Assignment C
6 Friday 9/26 Chapter 4.1-4.2, Gates and Circuits Assignment D
7 Monday 9/29 Chapter 4, Gates and Circuits (rest of chapter)
Assignment E
8 Wednesday
10/1 Chapter 4, Gates and Circuits (rest of chapter) Assignment F
9 Friday 10/3 Chapter 5, Computing Components
Assignment G
10 Monday 10/6 Chapter 5, Computing Components Assignment H
11 Wednesday 10/8 Chapters 7/8. Skim for content relevant to labs.
Assignment I
12 Friday 10/10 Chapters 7/8. Skim for content relevant to labs. Assignment J
13 Monday 10/13 Articles on open source
Chapter 9, Abstract Data Types and Algorithms

Wednesday 10/15
Assignment K
Friday 10/17
Exam 1 in class
Monday 10/20

16 Wednesday 10/22 Chapter 9, Abstract Data Types and Algorithms
17 Friday 10/24 Chapter 9, Abstract Data Types and Algorithms Assignment L
18 Monday 10/27 Chapters 16.1-16.2,  The World Wide Web
Assignment M
19 Wednesday 10/29 Tutorial on HTML from lab

20 Friday
Assignment N
21 Monday 11/3 Chapter 15, Networks
Assignment O
22 Wednesday 11/5 Chapter 15, Networks
23 Friday 11/7
Assignment P
24 Monday 11/10 Read "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" by Alan Turing. Handed out in class, or available on web. Focus on sections 1-3,6-7 (skim rest).
Think about the following for class discussion:
For each objection in Section 6, do you agree or disagree?
Is the "imitation game" a valid test of intelligence?
25 Wednesday 11/12 Read "Minds, Brains, and Programs" by John Searle. Handed out in class, or available on web.
Assignment Q
26 Friday 11/14 Chapter 13, Artificial Intelligence
Proposal for Final Project
27 Monday
Resubmitted Proposal, if necessary

Exam 2 (take home) due

Final Project Presentation

Upcoming Readings

Chapter 10, Operating Systems
Chapter 11, File Systems and Directories
Chapter 12, Information Systems (read only section 12.3, Database Management Systems)
Chapter 13, Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 14, Simulation (skip)
Chapter 15, Networks
Chapter 16, The World Wide Web
Chapter 17, Limitations of Computing