Carleton College CS 107, Explorations in Computer Science


Work through Laboratory 8, and turn in Exercises 1, 2, and 3 (see below for Exercise 3). Make sure that you run Palgo as a standalone Java application, instead of an applet. This will give you the ability to save your code. To do this, you can use the CD-ROM, or I have stored the Palgo program on the network.

To access Palgo from the network:

Alternatively, to access Palgo from the CD:

Exercise 3

Let's do some animation. Create a Palgo program from scratch that creates a red square that slides horizontally across the screen. To do this:

For this exercise, don't turn in a screenshot. Instread, you should turn in your assignment electronically so that we can test it out. To do so, save your program in Palgo by clicking on the Save button. Then using My Computer, copy your program to the folder Collab\Courses\cs\cs107-0-f03\Student Work\yourname\hand-in .

If you're having fun, keep going. Create a cartoon of your own design. Turn in your Palgo code and we'll show the best ones to the class.