Carleton College CS 107, Explorations in Computer Science


"Blogs" (short for "web logs") are web sites where people post online journals about themselves. If you want to see some examples, go to and check out the "Blogs of Note."

For this assignment, build a blog of your own. It doesn't need to be nearly as fancy as the ones you find on Blogger. You should build it yourself, using the HTML techniques that we did in lab, and not by using Blogger or some other blog building tool. Make sure to include the following:

Don't feel compelled to put anything personal on the web page if you don't wish to. If you like, you can make the blog for your favorite fictional person. If you do, make sure to describe in the web page who the blog is "about."

Name your HTML file blog.html, and make sure that you place it in your webpub folder. There's no need to electronically submit your file otherwise, since your webpub folder is public and we can see your results. You can have more than one HTML file if you like, but the one that we go to first should be blog.html.

Feel free to get as creative as you like!