Carleton College CS 107, Explorations in Computer Science


Additionally, answer the following questions. Feel free to use a search engine such as Google to find relevant information.
  1. What is ISOC? What does it do?
  2. What is IETF? What does it do?
  3. What is IANA? What does it do?
  4. What is ICANN? What does it do?
  5. Who is/was Jon Postel?
  6. IP addresses are allocated to organizations in various sized blocks known as Class A, Class B, and Class C addresses. Many years ago, Carleton was granted control over all the IP addresses that begin with 137.22. Which class of IP addresses does Carleton have? How many different IP addresses does Carleton control?
Optionally, feel free to do the following, though the applet seems to be unreliable:

Work through Laboratory 15, part 2, and turn in Exercises 4 and 5. For Exercise 5, refine the last question as follows:

7) Load the other example networks that this applet provides. For each example network, write down its name and describe each redundant route that exists between nodes.