CS 107: Explorations in Computer Science, Fall 2003
Assignment List

Here is a list of all the assignments that we will do throughout the course. If you want to get ahead, feel free to do so! Here's the catch: until I assign a lab by linking to it from the schedule page, it still may undergo revision. Therefore, if you've done a lab early, when I assign it for real you need to double check to make sure that it hasn't changed. Moreover, some of them may have to get cut or shortened due to time considerations. So consider these links as a way to get ahead if you like, but entirely at your own risk. Good luck!

Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3a
Lab 3b
Lab 3c
Lab 4a
Lab 4b
Lab 5a
Lab 5b
Lab 7
Lab 8
Lab 9a
Lab 9b
Lab 10
Lab 11
Lab 12b
Lab 12c
Lab 13
Lab 14a
Lab 15a
Lab 15b
Lab 16
Lab 17