2023–24 Projects:
Advisor: Anya Vostinar
The Northfield Area Learning Center (ALC) “provides a safe and inviting non-traditional education environment for qualifying students” (ALC Website). They offer “a day program, independent study, teen parenting classes and dual enrollment options” (ALC Website). Part of a safe and inviting environment is being able to easily order lunch. However, the current system requires that students are on time in the morning to order on paper. If a student misses their morning class, it is difficult for them to order lunch. Imagine not getting lunch because you were running late!
If you’re thinking “it’s 2021, surely some sort of online system could be made!”, you’re right! Your task in this comps project will be to design and implement a website that allows students to order their lunch based on rotating menus from their smartphone or computer and regularly meet with your client to ensure you are fulfilling their vision and testing your product.
In this project, you will follow the Agile methodology to design and implement a lunch ordering website with both a simple front-end and back-end interface for your client, Northfield ALC. In particular you will need to:
Deliverables for this project will be the prototype website code, documentation, and design. In addition, you will write a final report that includes all the necessary information for the next team to pick up where you left off because this will be a continuing project.
Software Design (CS 257) and HCI (CS 344) will be useful for background as you engage on this large software project.
Northfield Area Learning Center website: https://northfieldschools.org/schools/area-learning-center/