Space Comps
AlgChecker | Used to perform tests on a given algorithm under the specific environment created by the given values |
Algorithm | Parent to all the specific Algorithms we test |
BruteForceAlgorithm | Executes the simple O(n^2) method |
OctreeAlgorithm | An Algorithm that implements Octrees |
QuadtreeAlgorithm | An Algorithm that implements Quadtrees |
SpatialHashAlgorithm | |
SpatialHashAlgorithm3d | |
SweepNPruneAlgorithmMulti | Executes the sweep and prune method of collision detection in multiple dimensions |
SweepNPruneAlgorithmSimple | Executes the sweep and prune method of collision detection |
Boundary | Object representing a Particle's endpoints |
BoundingBox | Square or cube that fits perfectly around a particle |
Collision | |
CollisionDisplay | The parent class of 2D and 3D visualization windows |
CollisionDisplay2D | The view containing 2D visualization |
CollisionDisplay3D | The view containing 3D visualization |
MultiQueue | |
Node | Position for a Particle in the MultiQueue |
Octree | The Octree data structure used in OctreeAlgorithm |
Particle | |
Physics | The Physics class |
OrbitalPhysics | Physics for three dimensional motion with gravity |
Physics2D | Physics that works specifically in two d |
Physics3D | Physics that works specifically in 3d |
Position | |
QGLView | |
CollisionDisplay3D | The view containing 3D visualization |
QGraphicsItem | |
QParticle2D | |
QGraphicsView | |
CollisionDisplay2D | The view containing 2D visualization |
QMainWindow | |
CollisionSystem | The main window of the graphical interface |
QObject | |
QAlgorithm | QT wrapper for Algorithm |
QParticle3D | 3D graphical wrapper for Particle |
Quadtree | The Quadtree data structure used in QuadtreeAlgorithm |