Space Comps
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCAlgCheckerUsed to perform tests on a given algorithm under the specific environment created by the given values
oCAlgorithmParent to all the specific Algorithms we test
oCBoundaryObject representing a Particle's endpoints
oCBoundingBoxSquare or cube that fits perfectly around a particle
oCBruteForceAlgorithmExecutes the simple O(n^2) method
oCCollisionDisplayThe parent class of 2D and 3D visualization windows
oCCollisionDisplay2DThe view containing 2D visualization
oCCollisionDisplay3DThe view containing 3D visualization
oCCollisionSystemThe main window of the graphical interface
oCNodePosition for a Particle in the MultiQueue
oCOctreeThe Octree data structure used in OctreeAlgorithm
oCOctreeAlgorithmAn Algorithm that implements Octrees
oCOrbitalPhysicsPhysics for three dimensional motion with gravity
oCPhysicsThe Physics class
oCPhysics2DPhysics that works specifically in two d
oCPhysics3DPhysics that works specifically in 3d
oCQAlgorithmQT wrapper for Algorithm
oCQParticle3D3D graphical wrapper for Particle
oCQuadtreeThe Quadtree data structure used in QuadtreeAlgorithm
oCQuadtreeAlgorithmAn Algorithm that implements Quadtrees
oCSweepNPruneAlgorithmMultiExecutes the sweep and prune method of collision detection in multiple dimensions
\CSweepNPruneAlgorithmSimpleExecutes the sweep and prune method of collision detection