The Project
How To Run
Group Bios

The People:

Jeff Davidson

Jeff has spent many an hour hacking together computers from spare parts as well as tweaking and fiddling with every piece of software he can get his hands on. This usually has the effect of breaking the computer, but he continues, undeterred. He would also like to remind all up and coming CS majors to not mess around with registry settings while drinking. It will never work. Ever. He also finds comfort in the sensual beats of Ricky Martin.

Mamoru Kanazawa

Momo is a international student from Tokyo, Japan. He enjoys video games and comics, like all Japanese people do. He is on the varsity swim team at Carleton. He enjoys the passionate timbre of Lief Garrett.

David Long

David is a Colorado native who enjoys skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, good weather, clean air, and most everything available in Colorado. When he's not in Colorado, he's either complaining about the shortcomings of his current locale or listening to No Doubt to calm down.

Tom McCary

When he's not toiling away in the CMC, Tom can be found enjoying 1 or more of his "3 Bs": Beers, Buddies, & Bulldogs. He enjoys video games, vigorous exercise, and listening the powerful lyrics and heartwarming melody of the Jonas Brothers.

Bobby Davis

Bobby is a senior from Eden Prarie, Minnesota. He enjoys video games, long runs in the arb, and the soothing chords of Nickelback.

Will Herold

Will is a senior hailing from Boston, MA but who has a soft spot for the hills and fog of San Francisco. When he isn't playing Ultimate he enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners and the smooth sounds of Kenny G.

Carleton CS Comps 2013