Robotics Assignments

Assignment 0: Getting started. Assigned on Monday, 9/12; due on Tuesday, 9/13 by 11:55 pm.

Reading: Read Chapters 1 and 2 in Mataric.

Lab: Introduction to LEGO Programming. Assigned on Wednesday, 9/14. Nothing to turn in. Should be completed before class on Friday, 9/16.

Reading: Read in Bagnall chapter 1 (skip pages 31-45), chapter 2 (skip pages 50-65 and 72-81), chapter 3, and chapter 4. It isn't my expectation that you will have absorbed all of this material in one reading, especially API details and that sort of thing. But I want you to know what material is here so that you can refer to it later if necessary.

Assignment 1: Teleoperation. Assigned on Wednesday, 9/14. Java code for Parts 1 and 2 due in hand-in folder on Courses by Monday, 9/19 by 11:55 pm. Java code for Part 3 due in hand-in folder by Wednesday, 9/21 at 11:55 pm. Find me sometime within a week to do a demo.

Reading: Read The Art of LEGO Design, which gives you great detailed information on LEGO constuction. Skim Bagnall chapter 5, which is much of the same information. Also read chapters 3, 4, and 5 in Mataric.

Reading: Read chapter 6 in Mataric.

Reading: Look at this Introduction to Homogeneous Transformations and Robot Kinematics. I am basing our in-class discussions fairly heavily on this material, so it is a worthwhile reference.

Assignment 2: Scientific Measurement. Assigned on Wednesday, 9/21. Java code due in hand-in folder on Courses by Wednesday, 9/28 by 11:55 pm. Find me sometime within a week to do a demo.

Reading: Read chapters 7, 8, and 9 in Mataric.

Assignment 3: Manipulation. Assigned on Wednesday, 9/28. Due on paper in class on Monday, 10/3. Make sure that your paper submission, whether it be handwritten or printed, whether it be manually generated or partially computer generated, is well-organized and easy to follow.

Reading: Read chapters 10, 11, 12, and 13 in Mataric.

Assignment 4: PID Controller. Assigned on Monday, 10/3. Java code due in hand-in folder on Courses, by Monday, 10/10 by 11:55 pm. Find me sometime within a week to do a demo.

Reading: Read chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17 in Mataric.

Assignment 5: Exploration. Assigned on Friday, 10/14. Java code due in hand-in folder on Courses, by Sunday, 10/23 by 11:55 pm. Demo in class on Monday, 10/24.

Reading: Integration of Representation Into Goal-Driven Behavior-Based Robots, by Maja Mataric.

Assignment 6: Search and Retrieve. Assigned on Monday, 10/24. Java code due in hand-in folder on Courses, by Sunday, 10/30 by 11:55 pm. Demo in class on Monday, 10/31.

Reading: Optimal and Efficient Path Planning for Partially Known-Environments, by Anthony Stentz.

Final project proposal presentations: in class on Monday, 11/7.

Battlebots. Java code due in hand-in folder before in-class demo in Wednesday, 11/9.

Final project demonstrations: in class on Wednesday, 11/16.

Reading: Learning to Coordinate Behaviors, by Pattie Maes and Rodney A. Brooks

Reading: Automatic Programming of Behavior-based Robots using Reinforcement Learning, by Sridhar Mahadevan and Jonathan Connell

Take home exam #2 due on Monday, 11/21, at 5 pm.