
Your goal is to design a robot that will survive longer than another robot. Here are the rules, which we may tweak:

  1. Two bots will be placed at opposite ends of the hexagon arena. You can orient your bot anyway that you want, but some portion of it must be touching somewhere along its starting hexagon edge.
  2. A bot is considered to have lost when it appears that it can no longer move. This is a subjective decision: I'm looking forward to making complex and controvertial judgment calls!
  3. We'll give each bot an opportunity to face off each other bot in the class. You can rebuild your bots between rounds.

I hope that these LEGO devices are fairly robust. However, please keep the cost of the brick and the sensors in mind. If you manage to conceive of some "nuclear option" that seems likely to cause damage to your opponent's hardware or to your own, please consider this thoroughly or discuss with me first.

Good luck, and have fun!

Authored by Dave Musicant.