WikiSleuth Installation
WikiSleuth is a Google Chrome browser extension. In order to install, you will need Google Chrome
- 1) Clone or download the contents of the WikiSleuth Repository
- 2) Navigate to your Chrome Extensions page (chrome://extensions) and ensure developer mode is activated. This can be found in the upper right hand corner of the Chrome Extensions page with the check box titled Developer mode.
- 3) Load the extension into the browser using the Load unpacked extension button and selecting the WikiSleuth file that you downloaded.
You should now see the WikiSleuth icon in the extension area of your Google Chrome browser, and can begin using our tool on Wikipedia.
Uninstall WikiSleuth
- 1) On your chrome extensions page, click the trash icon located on the right side of the page
- 2) If you would like to disable WikiSleuth, simply uncheck the enable checkbox on the right side of the chrome extensions page