My research primarily focuses on Real-Time Systems that utilize one or more accelerators, and the related schedulability and response-time bound challenges. My specific application area is autonomous driving systems.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:
T. Amert, M. Yang, S. Voronov, S. Nandi, T. Vu, J. Anderson, and F.D. Smith, “The Price of Schedulability in Multi-Object Tracking: The History-vs.-Response-Time-vs.-Accuracy Trade-Off”, Journal of Systems Architecture, 2021. PDF preprint. Code: available on GitHub and as a CodeOcean artifact.
C. Nemitz, T. Amert, M. Goyal, J. Anderson, “Concurrency Groups: A New Way to Look at Real-Time Multiprocessor Lock Nesting”, Real-Time Systems, special issue of outstanding papers from the 27th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2019), Volume 57, Issue 1, pages 190-226, April 2021. PDF preprint. Code: compressed tar file.
C. Nemitz, T. Amert, J. Anderson, “Real-Time Multiprocessor Locks with Nesting: Optimizing the Common Case”, Real-Time Systems, special issue of outstanding papers from the 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2017), Volume 55, Issue 2, pages 296-348, April 2019. PDF preprint. Appendix with additional graphs: PDF. Code: compressed tar file.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers:
T. Amert and C. Nemitz, “Taking One for the Team: Trading Overhead and Blocking for Optimal Critical-Section Granularity with a Shared GPU”, Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS), November 2024, to appear. PDF.
Winner: best paper award.
Winner: outstanding presentation award. Presentation.
T. Amert, Z. Tong, S. Voronov, J. Bakita, F.D. Smith, and J. Anderson, “TimeWall: Enabling Time Partitioning for Real-Time Multicore+Accelerator Platforms”, Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pp. 455-468, December 2021. PDF.
S. Voronov, S. Tang, T. Amert, and J. Anderson, “AI Meets Real-Time: Addressing Real-World Complexities in Graph Response-Time Analysis”, Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pp. 82-96, December 2021. PDF. Full version with additional appendix: PDF.
T. Amert and J. Anderson, “CUPiD^RT: Detecting Improper GPU Usage in Real-Time Applications”, Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), pp. 86-95, June 2021. PDF. Presentation: YouTube video. Code: available on GitHub.
- Winner: best paper award.
T. Amert, M. Yang, S. Nandi, T. Vu, J. Anderson, and F.D. Smith, “The Price of Schedulability in Multi-Object Tracking: The History-vs.-Accuracy Trade-Off”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), pp. 124-133, May 2020. PDF. Presentation: YouTube video. Code: available on GitHub.
T. Amert, S. Voronov, and J. Anderson, “OpenVX and Real-Time Certification: The Troublesome History”, Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pp. 312-325, December 2019. PDF.
C. Nemitz, T. Amert, M. Goyal, J. Anderson, “Concurrency Groups: A New Way to Look at Real-Time Multiprocessor Lock Nesting”, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS), pp. 189-199, November 2019. PDF. Longer version with appendices and all schedulability plots: PDF. Code: compressed tar file.
- Winner: outstanding paper award.
M. Yang, T. Amert, K. Yang, N. Otterness, J. Anderson, F. D. Smith, and S. Wang, “Making OpenVX Really ‘Real Time’”, Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pp. 80-93, December 2018. PDF. Code: available on GitHub.
C. Nemitz, T. Amert, J. Anderson, “Using Lock Servers to Scale Real-Time Locking Protocols: Chasing Ever-Increasing Core Counts”, Proceedings of the 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), pp. 25:1-25:24, July 2018. PDF. Longer version with appendices and all timing plots: PDF. Code: compressed tar file.
- Winner: best paper award.
M. Yang, N. Otterness, T. Amert, J. Bakita, J. Anderson, and F.D. Smith, “Avoiding Pitfalls when Using NVIDIA GPUs for Real-Time Tasks in Autonomous Systems”, Proceedings of the 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), pp. 20:1-20:21, July 2018. PDF.
T. Amert, N. Otterness, M. Yang, J. Anderson, and F.D. Smith, “GPU Scheduling on the NVIDIA TX2: Hidden Details Revealed”, Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pp. 104-115, December 2017. PDF. Code: available on GitHub.
- Winner: best presentation award. Presentation.
C. Nemitz, T. Amert, J. Anderson, “Real-Time Multiprocessor Locks with Nesting: Optimizing the Common Case”, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS), pp. 37-46, October 2017. PDF. Longer version with appendices and all timing plots: PDF. Code: compressed tar file.
- Winner: best student paper award.
Other Conference Papers:
- T. Amert, M. Balszun, M. Geier, F.D. Smith, J. Anderson, and S. Chakraborty, “Timing-Predictable Vision Processing for Autonomous Systems”, Proceedings of the 24th Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), Feburary 2021. PDF. Presentation: YouTube video.
Peer-Reviewed Workshop Papers:
C.E. Nemitz and T. Amert, “Optimizing Lock Granularity for Non-Nested Resource Access under the Priority-Ceiling Protocol”, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on OPtimization for Embedded and ReAl-time systems (OPERA), December 2024. PDF.
T. Amert and Catherine Nemitz, “Work-in-Progress: Impacts of Critical-Section Granularity When Accessing Shared Resources”, Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pp. 439-442, December 2023. PDF.
T. Amert, “Challenges in Real-Time GPU Management”, Proceedings of the 13th Junior Researchers Workshop on Real-Time Computing (JRWRTC), pp. 5-8, November 2019. PDF.
N. Otterness, M. Yang, T. Amert, J. Anderson, and F.D. Smith, “Inferring the Scheduling Policies of an Embedded CUDA GPU”, Proceedings of 13th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT), pp. 47-52, June 2017. PDF.
F1/10 Autonomous Racing Competition at CPS-IoTWeek in Montreal, Canada, April 2019. UNC team (alphabetically): Tanya Amert, Charlotte Dorn, Manish Goyal, Abolfazal Karimi, and Nathan Otterness, led by Dr. Parasara Sridhar Duggirala.
- Winner: 1st place in time trials and head-to-head races.
- T. Amert, “Enabling Real-Time Certification of Autonomous Driving Applications”, Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation, advised by Dr. James H. Anderson, UNC CS, 2021. PDF. Webpage with source code links.
Other Publications:
S. Yang, Z. Pan, T. Amert, K. Wang, L. Yu, T. Berg, M. Lin, “Physics-Inspired Garment Recovery from a Single-View Image”, ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG), Volume 37, Issue 5, pages 1-14, November 2018. Link. arXiv Link. Video.
T. Kortz, “How Knowledge and Context of Radicals Influences a Person’s Ability to Learn to Read Chinese Characters”, Master of Engineering Thesis advised by Patrick H. Winston, MIT EECS, 2012. DSpace@MIT.