CS 231: Computer Security

Penetration testing #2: Metasploit, exploits, and payloads

Folder: attacks
File: attacks/metasploit.pdf

Follow the partner policy.

This assignment will give you a brief tour of some of the capabilities of Metasploit, a security tool that supports the development and use of vulnerability exploits. Like any tool (e.g. a good sharp knife), Metasploit can be used for good or evil. When we take the perspective of penetration testers interested in helping organizations enhance their security, a tool like Metasploit is invaluable.

Part 1: a quick spin through some Metasploit basics

Nothing to hand in for this part, but you'll need to understand the material in Part 1 to do Parts 2, 3, and 4.

Part 2: Find me an exploit

Part 3: How could your intrusion be detected?

When your payload is running on the target machine and you are doing whatever you're doing, is there a way that your activity might be detected? For Part 3, I want you to describe in concise detail at least one way that you could be spotted.

Hint: I recommend investigating the features of the "ps" command. You can then pretend to be the sysadmin of the target machine by logging in to Metasploitable while on the attacking machine, Metasploit is running an exploit. Then, as sysadmin, can you see in the ps output any evidence of the attacker?

There are other ways to detect attacker activity. I'm happy to hear about any of them in Part 3.

Part 4: Something cool

Tell me something you found interesting while you were getting to know Metasploit.

Summary: what to hand in

Give me a PDF file named attacks/metasploit.pdf containing:

Congratulations on weathering the pandemic year!

Thanks so much for being a great group this term. I enjoyed working with you all. Have a wonderful summer, and if you're graduating, congratulations and good luck out there! I love hearing from former students, so if you feel like it, please keep in touch.