CS 117 Labs

May 2, 1997

Go through each of the following programs and the tasks and questions that accompany them. To gain inspiration for your face-drawing assignment, you could "cd /Accounts/courses/cs117/Faces" and "ls", and then run the programs you find there.

April 2, 1997

Each of these programs contains instructions for you. To get started, click on the name of the first program (hello.p), copy and paste the program into an Edit window, and save the resulting file as hello.p in your own account. Then read the instructions at the top of hello.p and do what they tell you to do. Repeat for the rest of the files listed below. Have fun.

This process of "get the file and follow the instructions and try to answer the questions" is how we will do things on the three or four occasions we have class in lab. I usually try to have plenty of stuff for everyone to do during a 70 minute period, so you may not be able to get through everything during class. If you haven't finished all the lab exercises, come back and finish them up later. The material in these labs is important. The exercises will stay accessible on the Web all term.

Jeff Ondich, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057, (507) 646-4364, jondich@carleton.edu