{ hello.p Started by Jeff Ondich a long time ago. Last modified 4/1/97 This is the traditional first program in most programming languages. The order of business is to get a program to give you output. 1. To "compile" this program (that is, to translate it from Pascal into a language the machine can understand and execute), type gpc -o hello hello.p This process will create a new file called "hello", which is known as the "executable" version of the program (hello.p is the "source code"). By typing "ls", you can see that your account now has the file "hello" in it. 2. To run the executable program, type hello 3. What happens if you change the "writeln" to a "write" and recompile and rerun the program? 4. You don't have to name the executable program the same thing as the source code, though it is usually a good idea to do so. Try recompiling like so: gpc -o anynameyoufeellike hello.p Do an "ls" to make sure the new executable is in your account. 5. Type "ls -l". This gives you the long form of a listing of your account. The fourth column in this listing gives you the size, in bytes, of each file. How does the size of the executable program compare with the size of the source code? To save space in your account, you can remove old executables using, for example, "rm hello". } program hello(output); begin writeln( 'Hello, world.' ) end.