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We are a group of Carleton College Computer Science seniors gather together to work with adversarial examples in machine learning under the guidance of Professor Anna Rafferty.

Team Members

Jonas Bartels


I am a computer science major and music minor at Carleton College. I was drawn to this capstone project by my ongoing fascination with AI and machine learning. I enjoyed the opportunity to explore this fascinating branch of machine learning and hope to use it in future projects. In my free time I enjoy composing and making music, playing chess and 8-ball, and working on my personal programming projects.

Alice Cutter


Alice Cutter is a senior in the class of 2024 at Carleton. She is a Computer Science major and Digital Arts and Humanities minor. Alice enjoys running and spending time with friends. Next year she looks forward using the skills she’s learned in the Carleton computer science department in the real world.

Sriya Konda


Sriya Konda is a senior Computer Science major and Cognitive Science minor. Outside of class, Sriya spends her time dancing. She looks forward in applying her CS knowledge in the real world and furthering her education next year.

Yuxin Lin


Yuxin is a Psychology and Computer Science double major from Suzhou, China. He’s interested in Human Computer Interaction as well as accessibility for perceptually impaired individuals. He is also a big fan of badminton!

Sky Lu


Hi, I’m Tianyi Lu (Sky), a class of 2025 CS and Math major.

Tingjun (Peter) Tu


Peter is a double major in Computer Science and Cinema & Media Studies from Suzhou, China. He is interested in filmmaking, watching movies, and working with machine learning models. In his spare time, he likes to spend time with his cat and enjoy a cup of coffee.