Shot Entry
A shot is any hit by a volleyball player that goes over the net. Through the Shot Entry page we are able to capture these shots and then display them in the scouting report.
On the Shot Entry page, you are able to select a date which filters the existing shots, as well as various information about the shot.
By then selecting spots on the court and pressing the "ADD SHOT" button, the shot will then be drawn. After adding in a couple of shots, the shot entry page might look like the following.
Rotation Entry
A rotation is the movement of players around a volleyball court after the ball has been served. This is relevant as volleyball players start in a fixed places at the beginning of a point. These starting locations may not be ideal for the players, hence the need to move after the ball is served.
Without any rotations added, the user will be promped to add a rotation. After at least one rotation is added, one will be able to add rotation information using the user interface shown below.
By selecting a player, one can draw in the box on the left to create different player routes. After drawing and then pressing the "Add Route" button, the route will be added to the drawing box.
A user can also delete routes, add various notes about the rotation, edit the rotation, and add new rotations.
There are 6 unique colors for the user to be able to distiguish individual player routes.
A complete rotation added via the rotation entry page might look something like below.