Short Term Recommendations

The short term solutions that may be easiest to implement, especially given the growing number of families experiencing growing financial barriers to adequate Internet access, are hotspot extensions and Internet plan subsidies.
T-Mobile’s Project 10 Million is one option for hotspot extensions, and based on preliminary phone conversations they’re interested in a potential partnership.



Similar to T-Mobile’s Project 10 Million, Verizon also has a somewhat similar program called K-12 Education Solutions. Their goal is to improve the digital learning experience by providing Internet access whether it be by providing Internet access or with financial assistance.



Long Term Recommendations

Given the rapidly evolving nature of broadband policy and roll-out at both state and federal levels, it seems likely that our suggestions may not be applicable by the time the project moves to larger infrastructural development. However, given the current situation we believe that in terms of cost, implementation speed and scalability, fixed wireless is the best technological solution. Especially since Northfield Wifi has already started to implement a fixed wireless network, expanding existing infrastructure seems more viable than developing a new network with new technology. In addition, there are specific and concentrated areas that would benefit from improved Internet access, including homes in both Florella’s Mobile Home Park and Viking Terrace Mobile Home Park as well as a number of apartment buildings near Jefferson Parkway and the Community Action Center. Fixed wireless provides an efficient solution capable of reaching a number of families with a single installation, and has been explicitly used as an Internet solution to poor access in mobile home parks (see Phoenix Wifi).
