Mytinerary is a tour planning web application that constructs walking tours in London, Madrid, Minneapolis, New York City, and San Francisco.
Find nearby places of interest without time-intensive research.
Easily add to or change your route without hassle.
Get a tour of the things you want to see.
Our project is based on literary research and makes use of several APIs to create a responsive web application.
The best way to understand our project is to see its intelligent user interface in action. Watch demos to get a sense of the project, and install it yourself to see more!
Visit our Github repository to see the project. Follow the installation instructions in our README and you'll have it up and running in no time.
Mytinerary was made by Caleb Braun, Hailey Jones, Tristan Leigh, and Jonah Tuchow, all Carleton College class of 2017.