
What is PyLearn?

PyLearn is an improved Python interpreter with better and more specific error messages. It was created as a senior capstone project in Computer Science at Carleton College between September 2012 and March 2013.

How do I use it?

Grab an installer from our downloads page and try it for yourself! Once you've installed PyLearn, simply use it from the command line just as you would use standard Python. PyLearn can be used to run programs just like Python, by typing pylearn at the command line, or in an interactive interpreter mode by typing pylearn at the prompt without a subsequent program name.

How did you decide which errors to handle?

In addition to writing PyLearn, we also wrote a client / server logging architecture to collect error data from Intro to CS students at Carleton College. This data informed both our overall project design, as well as specific message design. Though the logger isn't available for download at present, it will be available from our public Bitbucket repository. We may also make our sanitized dataset available at some point in the near future, pending institutional approval.

This sounds awesome! Where can I find out more?

Though this specific page must unfortunately remain frozen in the ether, we fully intend upon continuing PyLearn development in an open-source capacity post-comps. You can follow our latest developments on our public Bitbucket repository, and if you feel like contributing to the project, we'd be more than happy to welcome you on-board!