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About Us:

Abhishesh Adhikari, 2009, Computer Science and Physics
Particular interests in this project included distance calculation and color detection.
Favorite robot malfunction: Laser inconsistency.
Hometown: Kathmandu, Nepal
Random Fact: Abhi once went Bungee Jumping.

robRob Atlas, 2009, Computer Science with Cognitive Science Concentration
Particular interests in this project included movement algorithms and map GUI.
Favorite robot malfunction: Wireless cable falling off.
Hometown: Arlington, MA
Random Fact: Rob once walked across Florida from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean.

johnJohn Sears, 2009, Computer Science and Baller Studies
Particular interests in this project included concept implementation and team coordination.
Favorite robot malfunction: Inability to load code onto robot.
Hometown: Ithaca, NY
Random Fact: John is from somewhere with worse weather than Minnesota.

chaCharles Noneman, 2009, Computer Science and Math
Particular interests in this project included robot-computer interaction and angle recalibration.
Favorite robot malfunction: Robot spinning in circles trying to recalibrate.
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Random Fact: Charles is an avid lepidopterologist.

lizaLiza Styles, 2009, Computer Science with Cognitive Science Concentration
Particular interests in this project included vision algorithms and artificial intelligence research.
Favorite robot malfunction: When the robot acted drunk.
Hometown: Amherst, MA
Random Fact: In her free time, Liza competes on the Carleton Synchronized Swimming team.


Faculty Advisor: Amy Csizmar Dalal


Many thanks to our wonderful advisor, who kept everything running smoothly throughout both terms. She did a remarkable job keeping everyone motivated and positive, and was a great mentor to the group.

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