TITAN's supporting crew


IPTables is part of netfilter, the packet filtering framework of the Linux kernel. We used IPTables for low-level network tasks: it does the actual work of reading data from packets, comparing them to its rule set, and forwarding or blocking them.

For more information, see the netfilter home page: http://www.netfilter.org/


For efficient storage and retrieval of the large amounts of data TITAN needs to perform its learning algorithms, we used the open-source MySQL database.

For more information, see the MySQL home page: http://www.mysql.com/


Ulogd is a special logging daemon that can receive data from IPTables and output it in various formats. We used ulogd to log the data collected by IPTables into our database.

For more information, see the project home page: http://netfilter.org/projects/ulogd/index.html