Installation Guide


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Postgres 12.5
  • Rabbitmq-server
  • Celery 4.2.1
  • Testing in a virtual environment first can help determine the right set of packages.

  • Install/check installation of python3-venv, use python3 -m venvname venvfoldername to create a v-env
  • Start venv with source venvname/bin/activate

  • Setup:

    With sudo -i -u postgres, create a new database called “helios”

    Move to the git repo and install the required dependencies with pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    Run py3 makemigrations, py3 migrate to configure the database.

    Start rabbitmq with servicectl rabbitmq-server start

    Start celery with celery -A helios worker -l info


    In a new window, go to and edit the allowed hosts to [‘*’] (this means all), set the URL to localhost or the production url, set the timezone, secret key, … and add google/facebook/social media credentials.

    Go to the google developer console and create a new web app with authorized JS origin = as well as your site name, if you have one. Set redirect URL as http://localhost:8000/auth/after/ and also similar with your site name if available. Enable the Google+ and Google People APIs

    Add nonsensitive scopes:

  • People API > .../auth/
  • People API > .../auth/userinfo.profile
  • Openid
  • Run:

    Run py3 runserver with optional arg to run for production.


    No web server is necessary if you use “screen” to run celery and Helios in the background. “bg” will not work long-term.

    Apache and nginx are both compatible with Helios. We used nginx and gunicorn for one of our website versions


    As of early 2021, the installation instructions for Helios are missing the celery command above. The steps above are what we use to set up our helios testing servers.