Course Directory Setup
Below are some instructions on how to setup the course directory that we will be using throughout the term.
CMC Lab Computers
a. From Finder
, select Go > Connect to server ...
b. In the server address bar, type the network address of the drive found below. Note that server names in MacOS are CaSe SeNsItIvE.
c. When prompted, enter your normal Carleton username and password. If you receive an error, verify that you typed the above URL exactly as it appears. (I recommend copying and pasting it.)
d. Click Connect
e. Verify that the network drive appears on your desktop. If it does not, you can make it appear by opening up the Finder
app and going to Finder -> Preferences
and checking the Connected servers
f. Right click on the COURSES network drive on your desktop and click Make alias
. This will streamline the connection process.
g. The COURSES directory should be mounted to the folder /Volumes/COURSES
. Open up the Terminal
application and verify that the mount was successful by executing the following command.
$ cd /Volumes/COURSES
Personal Computers
It is also possible to mount the courses directory to your personal computer. For detailed instructions, take a look at the Carleton Wiki page on Network Drives.