Lesson 25: G-EDF on Uniform Multiprocessors


  1. Uniform multiprocessors
    • model description
    • utilization limits
  2. NP-G-EDF is not optimal on uniform multiprocessors
    • counterexample for SRT optimality
  3. G-EDF (preemptions+migrations) is SRT optimal on uniform multiprocessors
    • general proof technique

Reading assignment (to be completed by the next class):

  • Yang, Kecheng, and James H. Anderson. “On the soft real-time optimality of global EDF on multiprocessors: From identical to uniform heterogeneous.” In 2015 IEEE 21st International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), pp. 1-10. IEEE, 2015.
    • Definitions: Sec. 2
    • Counter-example: Sec. 5
  • Yang, Kecheng, and James Anderson. “On the soft real-time optimality of global EDF on uniform multiprocessors.” In 2017 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pp. 319-330. IEEE, 2017.
    • First pass: Abstract, Sec. 1, and all figures
    • Second pass: Sec. 2 (definitions)
    • Third pass: skim Sec. 3 and conclusion