import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random import time def selectionSort(mylist): n = len(mylist) # Consider each starting index except the last, as that # will be the maximum element in the list by the time # we finish with the second-to-last position for startIdx in range(n-1): # Find the minimum element of those from startIdx # to the end of the list minIdx = startIdx for i in range(startIdx+1, n): if mylist[i] < mylist[minIdx]: minIdx = i # Swap to put the minimum element (of those startIdx->end) # in position startIdx mylist[startIdx], mylist[minIdx] = mylist[minIdx], mylist[startIdx] def timeSelectionSort(): nvals = [10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000] selectionTimes = [] for n in nvals: print("Working on n:", n) mylist = list(range(n)) sstime = 0 numTests = 1000 for i in range(numTests): random.shuffle(mylist) t = time.time() selectionSort(mylist) sstime += (time.time() - t) selectionTimes.append(sstime / numTests * 1000) plt.figure() plt.plot(nvals, selectionTimes, label="Selection Sort Time (ms)") plt.xlabel("Number of elements in the list") plt.ylabel("Sort time (ms)") plt.legend() if __name__ == "__main__": timeSelectionSort()