Lesson 1: Computers and programs and chaos, oh my!


  1. Go over syllabus
  2. Course prefect: Kate Finstuen-Magro
  3. Introduction to Computer Science
    • What is Computer Science?
    • What makes a programming language?
    • Python: IDLE, print() and basic operators
    • Python: input(), functions, and variables
    • Python: eval() versus int() or float()
  4. Exercises 1 + 2
  5. An example program: chaos.py
    • Discuss each line
    • Save chaos.py as a .py file in IDLE
    • Run with different starting values for x
  6. Exercises 3 + 4
  7. Discuss float representation

Reading assignment (to be completed by the next class):

  • Zelle chapter 1 (pp. 1-21)