Installing Python
You can download and install Python 3 from The most recent version is 3.8.1, but any version 3.x will work. IDLE comes with the Python install, so you don’t need to find that separately.
For Mac or Linux, I believe you should already have Python installed. When you start IDLE, the first line says something like “Python 3.8.1” and then a bunch of other stuff before the “>>>”. You can easily use that to check your version. If it is 3.4 or higher you should be fine.
For Windows, you can get it from the link above. I recommend either the “Windows x86-64 executable installer” or the “Windows x86-64 web-based installer”. If your machine is not 64-bit (which is possible, but less likely), you’ll need the installer with only “x86” in it, not “x86-64”.