/* args.c Jeff Ondich, 27 March 2023 Modified by Tanya Amert for Fall 2023 A tiny experiment with command-line arguments. Compile as usual: gcc -Wall -Werror -g -o args args.c Run with zero or more command-line arguments: ./args ./args howdy lulu ./args a b c d e f g whatever blah blah blah Read the code to figure out what: argc means argv[0] points to argv[k] points to for k > 0 Also, read the code to figure out how to get a picture of a moose to print out. */ #include #include // Method declarations void print_moose(); // Echos command-line arguments back to the user, // and in a special case, displays a moose! int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Your command line includes %d arguments:\n", argc); for (int k = 0; k < argc; k++) { printf(" argv[%d] --> %s\n", k, argv[k]); } if (argc >= 3 && strcmp(argv[2], "moose") == 0) { printf("\nCongratulations! You get an extra surprise!\n\n"); print_moose(); } return 0; } // Displays a moose to standard output. void print_moose() { printf(" ___ ___\n"); printf("/ \\ / \\\n"); printf("\\_ \\ / __/\n"); printf(" _\\ \\ / /__\n"); printf(" \\___ \\____/ __/\n"); printf(" \\_ _/\n"); printf(" | @ @ \\_\n"); printf(" |\n"); printf(" _/ /\\\n"); printf(" /o) (o/\\ \\_\n"); printf(" \\_____/ /\n"); printf(" \\____/\n"); printf("\nhttps://www.asciiart.eu/animals/moose\n"); }