Exercises for Lesson 13

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Exercise 1: Compound Boolean expressions

Evaluate the following expressions.

x = 4
y = 2

(a)  x > 0 and y < 5

(b)  x == 4 and False

(c)  (not x == 3) and (not y <= 2)

(d)  x == 0 or (x > 1 and y != 14)

Exercise 2: Truth tables

Write truth tables for the following expressions.

(a)  a and (not b)

(b)  (a and b) or (not a and not b)

(c)  not (a and b)

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Exercise 3: Truth tables, revisited

Write truth tables for the following expressions.

(a)  a and (not b or a)

(b)  (a or b) and (a or not b)

(c)  not (a or (b and a))

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