Exercises for Lesson 12

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Exercise 1: A simple while loop

Write a function that uses a while loop to calculate the sum of the first n counting numbers: 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n, given n as a paramter.

def sumNumbers(n):
    Returns the sum of the counting numbers 1+2+...+n.
    Returns 0 if the provided value of n is less than 1.
    Assumes n is an integer.
    return 0 # replace with your code

Exercise 2: Dividing by 2

Write a function that takes a value n and returns the number of times that n can be divided by 2 (using integer division) before reaching 1. Your function should use a while loop.

def numberTimesDivisible(n):
    Returns the number of times n can be divided by 2
    (integer division) before reaching 1.
    Assumes n is at least 1.

    ex: n=1 -> 0
        n=2 -> 1
        n=3 -> 1
        n=4 -> 2
    return -1 # replace with your code

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Exercise 3: More practice with while

The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two values can be computed using Euclid’s algorithm. Starting with the values m and n, we repeatedly apply the formula: n, m = m, n % m, until m is 0. Then, n is the GCD of the original values of m and n.

Write a function that finds the GCD of two numbers using this algorithm.

def gcd(m, n):
    Calculates the GCD of m and n using Euclid's algorithm.

      * n = m
      * m = n % m (note this must be simultaneous)
      * continue until m is 0, then the result is in n
    return -1 # replace with your code

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