General Information

Instructor: Tanya Amert, email: tamert at carleton dot edu
Instructor student hours:

  • M 1:50pm-3:00pm (5a) – my office (Olin 301D)
  • W 3:10pm-4:20pm (6a) – the lab/classroom
  • Th 1:30pm-3:15pm – my office (Olin 301D)
  • F 2:20pm-4:00pm (5a + part of 6a) – my office (Olin 301D)
  • or by appointment

Lectures: 2a (MW 9:50-11:00, F 9:40-10:40) in Olin 310
Syllabus: PDF
Prerequisites: None (but must not have received credit for CS 201 or above)

Course staff: Ryan Chang and Arisha Khan
Lab hours: You can attend any lab hours; lab hours and google calendar

Prefect: Daniel Linder