Exercises for Lesson 20

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Exercise 1: list operations

We’ve seen some list operations before. Let’s explore a few more.

Predict the values of numbers and words after executing each of the following statements. Assume that numbers and words are reset to their original values before each statement.

numbers = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]
words = ["apple", "banana", "cat", "dog", "elephant"]

a) "apple" in words

b) "nana" in words

c) numbers.remove(2)

d) numbers.sort()

e) words.sort(reverse=True)

f) numbers.append([words.index("cat")])

g) words.pop(numbers.pop(3))

h) words.insert(numbers[0], "fish")

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Exercise 2: Dictionaries

Let’s play around with Python dict objects.

Part a: getting values from a dict

Predict the value of each expression.

charMap = {'a': 'b', 'b': 'c', 'c': 'd'}
silly = {"apple": 4,
         314: "111",
         (3, 2): [1,2,3,10],
         "zebra": {'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 4},
         "func": int}
p = (3,2)
ch = 'b'

a) charMap[ch]

b) charMap['d']

c) silly["apple"] * silly[314]

d) silly[1]

e) silly[p][-1]

f) silly["zebra"]

g) silly["zebra"][charMap[ch]]

h) silly["func"](silly[314]) + 100

Part b: updating a dict

Predict the values of charMap and silly after executing each of the following statements. Assume that charMap and silly are reset to their original values before each statement.

charMap = {'a': 'b', 'b': 'c', 'c': 'd'}
silly = {"apple": 4,
         314: "111",
         (3, 2): [1,2,3,10],
         "zebra": {'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 4},
         "func": int}
n = 314
ch = 'e'

a) charMap[ch] = 'z'

b) charMap['a'] = 'y'

c) silly[(3,2)].append(33)

d) charMap['a'] += silly[n]

e) silly["func"] = -4

f) silly["zebra"][charMap['b']] = 5

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