CS 342: Mobile Application Development

Mockups, round 1

Now that you have a rough idea of the things you want your project to do for its users, it's a good time to start sketching the screens your app will have, and the ways control will flow from screen to screen. For this purpose, I have invited you to join a balsamiq.com project created for your team. Your next goal is to use balsamiq to make first draft mockups of your app's screens.

What to prepare

For class on Monday, please prepare balsamiq mockups of the 3-5 most important screens in your app. Note that you can link mockup screens so the movement from screen to screen (say, by clicking on a list item or a back button) can be simulated in the mockups.

Be prepared to show your mockups to other people. You can do this by bringing a laptop or tablet that can connect to balsamiq, or by exporting to pdf and putting it on a thumb drive, or by printing out a few copies, etc. But if I say "show this other team your mockups," have a plan for how to do so.

In addition, be prepared with two short lists:

Some design readings

There's a huge literature on interaction design and usability in general, and design for mobile devices in particular. I haven't found a favorite reading for mobile-specific design yet, but here are a few online items that are worth a read.

Monday's class

My plan for Monday looks like this: