CS 342: Mobile Application Development

Getting feedback: First rough outline of your big project

For April 23's class: bring 10 paper copies of the document described below (one copy for Jeff, one copy for each of your team's members, and enough extra copies for another team to read during your discussion).

You now have your teams for the rest of the term, and you have begun discussion of what kind of app you intend to develop. The next two steps will be: (1) refine your project idea, including its essential user stories / features, and (2) draw first-draft mockups of the major screens that will appear in the app. This assignment concerns (1).

To generate a quick discussion of your project ideas, I asked you on Monday to prepare a one-page document containing the following:

  1. A one-sentence description of the proposed project.
  2. [Optional] A more detailed 2-paragraph description, if you think elaboration would improve discussion.
  3. A list of features articulated as "user stories," prioritized by importance, and marked with estimated difficulty.
  4. Architectural notes: what platforms will the app run on? do you need a server-side? a database? what special features of the OS do you need (e.g. GPS, maps, accelerometer, etc.)?

The goals of this document are: