CS 342: Mobile Application Development

A simple Android app

You'll work with the partner from this list. Hand in your Android Studio project directory, zipped, via one partner's Courses Hand-in folder. Of course, make sure both names are in the source code.

The goal of this project is simple: get you a first experience using the Android tools to write an app. You'll use this experience to help you decide between iOS and Android for your big project in the course, and of course if you choose Android, this experience will give you a foundation to work from.

To that end, and given our desire to keep this first experience short, any sufficiently simple app will do, so I'll leave the specific choice up to you. you should pick an app that's small and easy to design so you can focus your attention on how to implement that simple design. The best project choices will also leave open some space for extra features, in case you want to add more before the deadline.


Here are some attributes your Android app should have.

Some app ideas

Here are a few ideas that have the right properties and should be manageable in a week.

Have fun!

Get started early, and bring your questions to Piazza and class.