CS338 Computer Security Wednesday, 1 June 2022 + Happy 66th anniversary to Jeff's mom and dad! + Notes on videos - Loved them! - Audience - essential to be clear who they are - generally good choices on this - Slides - Keep word counts low (avoid complete sentences) - I prefer lots of narrowly focused slides instead of fewer broader slides - Slides should support the listener's listening, not distract from speech - Reduce audience's cognitive load! - Combo of outlines (before, between, after subtopics) and tight focus - [Caveat: are your slides intended to be read apart from an oral presentation? That's different.] - Hacker images, text, vibe [Pexels, Unsplash -- stock photos that might help] - Recap: lots of great work on a tight timeline! + This term: very short intros to... - Security mindset - Threat modeling - Cryptography overview - Network protocols - Information security conceptual frameworks - Social, ethical, legal contexts - Pen testing - Web security + What next? - Ask questions, dig deeper, try stuff! (safely, ethically) - Cryptography - Schneier: "Applied Cryptography" and "Cryptography Engineering" - Math: number theory, algebraic geometry,... - Math is a small part of it; implementation is hard - Pragmatics: openssl, international standards,... - Tons more resources - Information Security professional tracks - Creating/maintaining secure computers and networks for organizations - Courses, certification programs - Entry-level jobs (CS major sufficient in many cases) - Pen testing - Courses, certification programs - Self-study of all the stuff installed on Kali - Hacking practice websites - Set up your own experiments - Web security (esp. if you plan to do web development) - Courses, certification programs - Learn about all the OWASP top ten - Practice attacks and defenses - A million specialties - endpoint protection - intrusion detection & mitigation - forensics & incident response - governance, risk assessment, compliance - ... - Read and listen! - bleepingcomputer.com, arstechnica.com, krebsonsecurity.com, schneier.com,... - themarkup.org - Risky Business podcast (risky.biz) - so many books! - (Keep a list of jargon. Hang in there. APT, CSO cee-so, .......) + Questions about exam + Questions about anything else