CS338 Computer Security Monday, 16 May 2022 + Today - Questions - Local networks (Ethernet, 802.11, etc.) - Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) - Network Address Translation (NAT) - Network routing + Questions + Local networks: focus on Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) - Medium Access Layer & shared medium - Medium Access Control Address - Global uniqueness (ha!) - 48 bits (2^48 ~ 250 trillion) - Typically written as 6 colon-separated bytes (EC:26:51:23:E9:B4) - Yet another header (search for "ethernet header" or "ethernet frame") but also a footer! - Controlling who speaks when - Broadcast messages - my IP & MAC - which MAC has this IP? - Non-broadcast messages + ARP - + Routing - Hierarchical network structures - IP (mostly) - Routing tables (netstat -r, netstat -rn) - Routing algorithms + Think "abstract data types" - What is the data? (routing table, ARP cache, DNS cache, etc.) - What are the operations? + What happens when my computer wants to send a packet? + NAT