CS338 Computer Security Friday, 13 May 2022 + Questions + Readings: copyright & digital content - What was the DMCA trying to do? - Protect rights-holders for digital content (authors, film-makers, etc.) - Protect platforms from their users' copyright infringement - TPM (technical protection measure) - password-protected access to TV shows - tractors: you're not allowed to fix your tractor authorized technician uses a password - iPhones: can't install non-approved software without "jailbreaking" - DVD encryption - What abuses have resulted? - Corporations intimidating individuals w/ lawsuits - Violations of fair use protections Youtuber creates a video, includes 10s from another video, take-down notices - Over-zealous takedown notices - Failed automation: people's own works being taken down because the automation is too aggressive ... - Why is this stuff relevant to computer security? - Security bug-hunting - Generally: digital content is what the stuff we're studying is intended to protect, but the legal context is a crazy mess - These laws are important to know about when talking about privacy - ... - Digital copies are very easy to make - How are digital artifacts (e.g. songs, books, movies, photos,...) different from their physical analogues? - Do you own that book you just bought? - If it's paper? - If it's an ebook? - If it's an audiobook? - Relevance of copyright exceptions - fair use - criticism - parody - ... - Relevance of business models - Relevance of copyright term (roughly: life of author + 70 years) - Fair use - Buy a Kindle book on amazon.com - Can you back it up? - Can you view it in a different e-reader? - Could you use a program that converts its format to .txt or .pdf or... - Do I own the book? In what sense? - Take-down notices - Jailbreaking your iOS device tools for jailbreaking + Certificates in practice - What's in one, really? - How can you take a look? (Browser, openssl) openssl x509 -inform der -in mycertificate.cer -text - How does the practice of making a certificate for a website work? - Let's Encrypt - Multiple websites on a single IP address web-server-specific details Host: HTTP header - How does Let's Encrypt