CS338 Computer Security Monday, 9 May 2022 + Exam - 64 total - 62, median 50 - You can hand in corrections, typed (just the items you want regraded) total = average of two score - Deadline Friday, May 13 - SEE SLACK #announcements FOR DETAILS AES -- block size 128 bits (but if you use CBC block cipher mode, yay) RSA -- commonly 2048, 4096-bit keys host, user agent, client, server -- differences? context? + Passwords for w in wordlist: h = hash(w) for user in password file: if h == hash for user: yay for w1 in wordlist: for w2 in wordlist: h = hash(w1 + w2) for user in password file: if h == hash for user: yay 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28 https://whatever.com/login?user=jeff&password=moose