CS338 Computer Security Wednesday, 30 March 2022 + CS 231 vs. CS 338 - We renumbered 231 to 338 starting this term. Same course. - You'll see 231's in various videos and assignments. + Today - Practicing the "security mindset" - Getting started with Kali and Wireshark - [Didn't get here] Ross Anderson reading + Practicing the security mindset: AirTag, Tile - What is the stated purpose of the products? List a few standard use cases - Find your keys - Find your children - Find your pets - Where you parked your car - Shipping a valuable thing - What software and hardware is involved? - Bluetooth - All the iOS devices in the world with BT turned on - Apps (Tile & AirTag) - Encryption? What's being encrypted? - Satellites (GPS) - Servers that coordinate all this data - What people are (or could be) involved? - Owner of the AirTag/Tile - Every iOS device owner - Engineers & designers who created the stuff - Owners of the servers - Support technicians - Android owners with app installed - People with AirTag/Tile attached (my pet children) - People trying to get info about a particular AirTag/Tile - FBI, police, etc. - Congress???? - Russian APT groups - Interpol, Mossad, etc. - Anybody who buys this location data - ... - List a few ways to use them that might not be how Apple or Tile intended - Stalk somebody by attaching a device to them - Toss your AirTag into the secure area at a concert "hey, I dropped my keys in there, can I go get them?" - Involuntary drug mules (???) - Claim somebody stole your thing - Follow NSA/CIA/TSA employee around - Lure somebody somewhere by taking their AirTag - Blackmail - Targeted marketing based on location data - ... - Hacking opportunities: make all the AirTags chirp - Put a ton of AirTags in one place.... - List some questions you would want answers to - Any other + Running Kali in Olin 310 - https://wiki.carleton.edu/display/carl/CS338%3A++Starting+VMWare+and+virtual+machines+in+Olin310 - Login - Double-click on start-vms - Say OK, I Copied It, Go Ahead Steal All My Stuff, and so on. Click click click. - Close Metasploitable for the next few weeks - Login to Kali (kali, kali) - Open a terminal - Open Firefox - Top left -> Sniffing & Spoofing -> Wireshark - In Wireshark, type "net" in green-icon filter box, hit Enter - In Firefox, go to cs.carleton.edu - In Wireshark, click Stop button (red square) - Look around in Wireshark + Ross Anderson reading - Highlights? - Policy, mechanism, assurance, incentives - ...