
Lab: Penetration testing #2: Metasploit, exploits, and payloads

Nothing to hand in

(No hurry required. You'll be lucky to finish Part 1 in class today.)

This lab will give you a brief tour of some of the capabilities of Metasploit, a security tool that supports the development and use of vulnerability exploits. Like any tool (e.g. a good sharp knife), Metasploit can be used for good or evil. When we take the perspective of penetration testers interested in helping organizations enhance their security, a tool like Metasploit is invaluable.

Part 1: a quick spin through some Metasploit basics

Nothing to hand in for this part, but you'll need to understand the material in Part 1 to do Parts 2, 3, and 4.

Part 2: Find me an exploit

...see the final exam...