CS338 Computer Security Monday, 6 November 2023 + Office hours today: 12:30-1:00, Zoom only - I'll try to keep up on Slack + Fire up Kali and Metasploitable for later in the hour + The XSS assignment - Questions - Observations - Favorite weird results + Host detection w/ nmap -sn - What does the help/manual say about -sn? - What happens if you scan a local network? How could you figure out how nmap is doing its job? Wireshark on nmap -sn ["ping scan"] Looks like it's using ARP requests to see if anybody responds - Same question, remote network Wireshark on nmap -sn Looks like TCP SYN to ports 80 and 443; dunno what it would try if it got no response How can you get permission to whack at a remote network? ...complicated... + Attacking in general - host detection (e.g., nmap -sn) - port scanning nmap -sV IP [nice general, figure out service versions] nmap -sV -sC IP [more detail] nmap -sV -p 21 IP [Wireshark this, see how nmap decides which ftp server is in use] - research exploits + Attacking Metasploitable - Find it (nmap -sn ...) - Port scan it (nmap -sV METASPLOITABLE_IP) - Try again, but moreso (nmap -sV -sC METASPLOITABLE_IP) - Pick a server, and do "searchsploit name-of-server version-of-server" - ... + Next - SQL injection - Metasploit - Putting together a bunch of pen-testing pieces into something like a coherent whole