CS338 Computer Security Wednesday, 18 October 2023 + Next up - Frameworks for thinking about security STRIDE, CIA, MITRE ATT&CK and D3FEND,... - Ethical analysis of security situations focus on responsible disclosure as an example - Authentication including password storage and cracking + Threat modeling and STRIDE - Questions? - Which ones are harder/weirder? (S, T, R, I, D, or E?) - What is threat modeling for? + Authentication - What is it? "Prove that you are who you say you are." "A process for doing ^" "It's like when the bank asks you for your ID" [Questions about meaning of "you", "who", "are"...?] - How does authentication happen in non-digital life? Bank & ID Look at a person in person Job or other: provide birth certificate, SSN, green card, visa Biometrics--DNA, retinas, fingerprints, palmprints, voice... Signature in ink notarized signatures Kevin Mitnick -- read his book about social engineering memoir - How does authentication work in digital life? - Passwords - 2FA (two-factor authentication) password + texted 6-digit code face ID / fingerprint + texted 6-digit code password + authenticator app - Passkeys (FIDO2 passkey standards) - ... - Passwords storing them -- DB of (username, H(password), misc info) cracking them -- brute force? by common password? ...? + Next assignments during the coming week - Ethical analysis of a scenario - A miscellany of password-cracking tasks