CS337: Assignment due 1/9/02

These are a few questions to make sure you have read RFCs 2026, 2028, and 1436. For some of the answers, you'll need to do some exploring on the web. The ISOC web site might be a good place to start.

  1. How many Internet Standards are there? Which one was most recently adopted?

  2. What is the current standards track status of HTTP?

  3. Why should you not reference an Internet-Draft in a paper or report?

  4. RFC 2026 says: "a candidate specification must be implemented and tested for correct operation and interoperability by multiple independent parties and utilized in increasingly demanding environments, before it can be adopted as an Internet Standard." Use HTTP as an example to explain what this means.

  5. Find examples of technical specifications that are currently in each of the maturity levels (proposed, draft, Internet standard, experimental, historic, informational)

  6. Right now, what are the Areas into which the IETF Working Groups are organized?

  7. Right now, who is the RFC editor? The IETF Executive Director? The chair of the ISOC Board of Trustees? The IESG chair?

  8. What port number has been assigned by the IANA to gopher?

  9. If a client connects to a gopher server and wants to request the server's top-level menu, what string does the client need to send?

  10. When the gopher server sends its top-level menu contents back to the client, how can the client tell where the menu ends?

  11. Use a browser to go to gopher://gopher.quux.org/ and examine the main page you find there. Then use telnet to go to the same server and request its top-level menu. What sequence of characters does the server send you to represent the "About this server" item? What HTML code does your browser use to represent this same item?

  12. The Introduction to RFC 1436 says, among other things, that "no state is retained by the server." What does this mean? Briefly, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a stateless protocol?

  13. What happens to hosts that have a CR-LF, TAB, or NUL in their name?