Due in class on Friday, May 3, 2002

This exam is open-book, open-notes, open-computer, open-Internet, but closed-other-people. You may, however, ask Jeff Ondich questions.

Explain your answers.

Don't use prism.

  1. (8 points) Consider Peterson's solution to the mutual exclusion problem, as shown in Figure 2-21 on page 106 of Tanenbaum. Suppose you try to modify it to handle three processes by changing N to 3, and changing enter_region to look like this:

    void enter_region( int process )
    	int other1 = (process+1) % 3;
    	int other2 = (process+2) % 3;
    	interested[process] = TRUE;
    	turn = process;
    	while( turn == process  &&  (interested[other1] == TRUE || interested[other2] == TRUE) )

    Using processes numbered 0, 1, and 2, describe a sequence of events that would cause a race condition with this version of enter_region.

  2. (4 points) What Unix commands would you use to:

    Please make clear the complete commands you would use, including, if appropriate, command-line arguments. (This is intended to be not a difficult exercise, but rather a formal reminder of how to clean up after yourself.)

  3. (8 points) Suppose we are using a 2-level page table system in which each second-level page table takes up exactly one page, and we have a 32-bit virtual address space with 4KB pages and 4 bytes per page table entry.

  4. (2 points) I've got some extra professional development money I need to spend in the next month, and I want to spend it on computer books. What's your favorite computer-related book? (It's okay if I already own it--I'm also curious about what books you like.)

  5. (12 points) Take a look at the program badpingpong.c. This program is trying to use signals to cause the child and the parent to print alternating messages to stdout. The parent prints a message and then signals the child, then the child catches the signal, prints a message, and signals the parent, etc. Unfortunately, when I compile and run this program, it doesn't work.