CS 257: Software Design

Web app: DB and API design, plus unit tests

Folders: webapp/doc, webapp/tests

Tag: api-design

You will work with your web application team for this assignment.


Our web application architecture

Any page of your web application will consist of HTML code, which (among other things) uses a <link> tag to load a CSS file (pretend it's called mywebapp.css) and a <script> tag to load a Javascript file (mywebapp.js). This means that if a person has navigated to your page in a browser, the browser will also have retrieved webapp.css (using it to display the page) and webapp.js (parsing it and executing any of its code that needs to be executed right away).

With those assumptions, this is how a typical interaction with your web application will go.

More concisely, the queries and responses flow like this:

person clicking → Javascript → API server → database → API server → Javascript → browser display → user

I'll talk another time about how this wouldn't have to be our architecture, and what pedagogical and engineering motivations I have for choosing it.

How do we put that all together?

We'll need to implement as many of these pieces independently as possible. This is one of the hardest parts of complex projects—how to put sequence the work so that you can focus your attention on one small part at a time, and test those small parts independently of the system as a whole.

For the moment, let's focus on how the needs of the user interface can be served by the API. Thinking about what the UI needs (and more to the point, what the user needs) will give you insight into what endpoints your API should include.

Suppose, for example, that the Submit button lets me search for all the books whose titles contain my search string. Then onSubmit will probably want an API endpoint that looks something like this:

REQUEST: /books/title_contains/{search_text}

or, depending on your preference and your other endpoints:

REQUEST: /books?title_contains={search_text}

Either way, onSearchResults (or probably onBookTitleSearchResults in this context) will want the response from the endpoint to look like this:

RESPONSE: a JSON list of dictionaries, each of which represents one book, sorted by publication date. Each book dictionary will have the following fields. title -- (string) the title of the book author -- (string) the full name(s) of the author(s) publication_year -- (int) the year the book was published

For another example, suppose I want a drop-down list (implemented as a <select> element in HTML) containing the alphabetized list of Olympic sports. Then the Javascript that initializes our HTML page might want to invoke an API endpoint like this:

REQUEST: /sports RESPONSE: an alphabetized JSON list of strings, each of which is an Olympic sport.

after which the onSportsSearchResults function would insert the list of sports into the <select> element as a sequence of <option> elements. That is, the Javascript would call the API so it could populate the dropdown list with the complete list of sports in the database. This would be better than hard-coding the sports into the HTML, because it would adapt appropriately if the 2022 winter games added a new sport, like "Below-Freezing Flagpole-Licking".

Testing the API


You can, of course, test your API implementation (once you do it—that's a later assignment!) by manually pointing a browser at your API or running curl at the command line. This is a manual process, however, and it would be a lot better if you could automate at least some of the testing. So you're going to practice the Test-Driven Development approach by writing some PyUnit unit tests to exercise your API.

Start by completing the PyUnit lab, and remind yourself of the techniques used in the Using HTTP-based APIs lab. Then:

Note that you won't be able to test your API yet, and thus you won't be able to test your tests. But write first drafts of your tests so we can talk about them, and we'll actually use the tests later.

Your tasks

In summary, for this assignment you're going to decide, based on your user stories and wireframes, what endpoints your API will require. You'll then design a database table structure to support those endpoints. And finally, you will write unit tests in PyUnit to test your API endpoints. More specifically:

Have fun!